Solar Eclipse,
June 10th, 2002.
A handful of my fellow CSE grad students were enterprising
enough to acquire some welder's safety glass to watch the
eclipse through, and I was fortunate to be in the right
place (near them) at the right time (shortly before 6:00pm
PDT). |
Demolition of EEB,
June 11th, 2001.
Much of the UW CSE community was on hand for the beginning of
"gross demolition" of the old Electrical Engineering
Building (EEB). EEB is being razed to make way for the new CSE building
(actually, the long-awaited CSE wing of the new CSE/EE complex). |
Under the Big Top,
May 25, 2001.
department has hosted an end-of-the-year party for the
past few years. In 2001, the theme was "Under the big
top", and the party was replete with tents, circus
posters, a clown, cotton candy, and a few non-Big Top
items, such as much free food and lots of socialization. |
Pit Party, September
30th, 2000. The
Pit Party is an annual event to welcome the first-year graduate
students into the CSE department at the University of Washington.
The year 2000 Pit Party was held at the Seattle Aquarium. |
TGIFrankye, September 29th,
Frankye Jones, the UW CSE department's beloved graduate student
advisor, changed jobs at the start of Autumn quarter 2000, after
many, many years of service to the department. In honor of
Frankye, the graduate students dedicated the first TGIF of the
quarter to her, and presented her with gifts and adoration for all
she has done for them. |