May 16th - 27th, 2006. WWW 2006 was in Edinburgh so I tacked on
an extra week to make an adventure of it. |
Alaska cruise,
August 29th - September 5th, 2004. In celebration of my
grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary, my family sent them on a
cruise through the Inside Passage in Alaska. And we came along
with! |
New York, NY, May
16th-22nd, 2004. Going to NYC is nearly getting old hat.
8) WWW2004 was
held mid-May in New York, so I visited the NY office and made a
week of it. |
New York, NY, February
27th - 29th, 2004. My second visit to the Big Apple, and my first
trip to see Tessa and Dan on the East coast. Great
weather for mid-winter, and great to see my friends. |
New York, NY, January
21st - 22nd, 2004. My first visit to the Big Apple, and a short
one (for the WWW2004 PC meeting). I'll be back again, I'm
sure. |
Budapest, Hungary, May
16th - 24th, 2003. WWW2003
was held in Budapest this year, and I spent four days prior
playing tourist around the city. I took a lot of photos, so, if
you don't have patience to flip through them all, take a look at
the short album (30
pictures). If you do have time, also take a look at my travel
log. |
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July
23rd, 2002 - July 27th, 2002. Edmonton, Canada, played host to the
Ninth International Confererence on Knowledge Discovery and Data
Mining (KDD2002).
KDD was co-located with several other AI
conferences this year, but I could afford the time to attend only
KDD. Edmonton is a nice town to visit -- I stayed at the Westin
and enjoyed wandering through downtown. My trip was mostly
business, not simply pleasure, so I have only a handful of
pictures. Enjoy! |
Homer, AK, July 3rd,
2002 - July 8th,
2002. My parents wanted to visit a high school friend from
way-back-when who's now in Homer, Alaska, so I tagged along for the
trip. Homer is on the Kenai Penninsula and is blesesd with
fantastic views and pleasant weather during the summer months. The
winters, well, they're another story. |
Honolulu, HI, May 3rd, 2002 -
May 10th, 2002. WWW2002 has
held at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, in early May,
2002. Not one to squander a trip to Hawaii, I and my parents
arrived a few days in advance of the conference and toured
Honolulu. Sorry, but I don't have any pictures from the
actual conference -- just from the scenery nearby. |
Orlando, FL, October 5th 2001 -
October 8th, 2001. Mom
and Dad flew to Disneyworld in Orlando, FL for a vacation for
their anniversary, and I joined them part-way through. I
was there for three days, long enough to "do"
most of the attractions in the area and visit Cape Kennedy. |
Alaska Cruise, August
26th, 2001 - September 2nd, 2001. My family and I took a cruise
aboard the M/S
Norwegian Sky to Alaska. Have a
look at my digital pictures, some slides and prints I
scanned, or a few animated GIFs from the Sky's BridgeCam. |
WWW10/Hong Kong, Late
April / Early May, 2001. After a long dry spell, I finally got a
paper accepted at a conference - the 10th International World Wide
Web Conference. WWW10 was held in Hong Kong in early May, and I
pre-extended my
visit to Hong Kong by several days for sight-seeing. Unique to this
set of photos - I've actually added captions! 8) Now, a
favor to ask of you - if you see any captions that you feel are
incorrect, please let me know: corin+photos@the4cs.com. I've
tried my best to faithfully record where and what is in each
picture, but my memory isn't perfect. Additionally, if you see
something in the photos that is simply not documented (say,
the name of a street that's shown prominently in a photo) and you
can help fill in my knowledge gap, I would be grateful if you'd help
me out. Otherwise, enjoy the photos! |
Tucson, AZ, February
2001. The four of us
in my family wanted to take a little vacation, and Tucson, Arizona,
seemed like as good a place as any. We actually stayed in Benson,
AZ, which is about 40 miles East of Tucson along I-10. |
Thanksgiving in Skamania,
23rd and 24th, 2000. The four of us in my family took an Alki Tour
to Skamania
Lodge for Thanksgiving. We rode the Amtrak
line down to Vancouver, WA and took a motorcoach from there to the
Skamania Lodge on the Colombia River. On Thursday we visited
Falls, which is just along the Colombia River about 30
minutes East of Vancouver. On Friday we returned along the same
route, but stopped at the Bonneville Dam for
a tour before heading home. |
Wilmore, KS and Oklahoma
City, OK, August
2000. I have relatives who live in Comanche County, KS;
specifically, they live in Wilmore and Coldwater. My family
travels out to Kansas about once a year to visit them. These
pictures are from our year 2000 trip and include photos of Fred
Booth's farm and of some sites in Oklahoma City, OK. |
Plano, TX and Austin,
TX, July and August 2000. My friends Steve Wolfman
and Rachel
Pottinger were married
on July 30, 2000, in Plano, TX, and I was there.
Subsequently, AAAI 2000 was held in Austin, TX, and I took a few
pictures in Austin as well. |
Stanford, CA, July 2000.
Pictures from around Stanford campus (mainly in the SEQ area),
taken during ICML 2000. |
England, June 2000. Steve
Wolfman and I
visited London, Bath, and Stratford-upon-Avon en route to a
research meeting in Stratford. |
Hawaii, April 2000. My
organized a big family get together of two weeks on the islands of
Kauai and Hawaii. |